Trip to Murano Island

A rough trip to Murano Island – but we still stood on deck to appreciate the contrasts

It was a cold and wet morning, not the best for sight seeing – but we set off on a short voyage to Murano Island, famous for its glass art. We were very sceptical, we had heard so much and thought ‘yes yes yes tourist trap’ but while we were walking through a shopping street in Venice we saw and admired some of the glass in the window and were impressed. So there we were taking a vaporetto across the bumpy lagoon to check out the island glass.

A bit rough !
San Michelle Island is a stop on the way. It is square and appears to be completely taken up with a cemetery
And a church
Murano Glass
The island is similar to Venice but a little smaller in height and areas

Review on our trip to Murano – the voyage was a bit cold, wet and rough, but we knew this would be. But it is short enough for comfort not to be an issue.

Next – Walking around Murano