From Swakopmund we travelled east through the Namib-Nauklift Park. First stop at the ‘Valley of the Moon’ where we walked around looking at the meagre vegetation and the strange landscape.

Then there are the Welwitchias, the only known place were these conifers are found. They grow two leaves that can be metres long and rather ancient.

We continued inland until we reached our rough camp for the night at Ganab. The only facility a toilet enclosure and fire spot. Animals wandered freely around the place.

Next day we travelled down and up the Kuiseb River Pass and on to Solitaire, a very small town, possible only one house which acts as shop, petrol station and café !

Solitaire is a lonely place where everyone stops. They made a fine apple-pie
We continued south to Sossusvlei where we stayed for two nights.
Next – Sesreim and Sossusvlei