South America in 1999


We wanted to make a trip to Antarctica while we could.  At that time rumours were around that the Great Southern Continent (Amtarctica) would be banned from travellers.  In addition the year 2000 was coming up and we did not want to travel then !

So as we had to go to Argentina to catch the boat south we might as well spend some time in South America – and this is what happened.


Auckland to Buenos Aires

(I’m afraid these photos are all scans of prints taken from the pre-digital days, so the quality on here is worse than the originals.) 

On New Years Day 1999 we took a very empty Qantas plane to Buenos Aires in Argentina.  It was Qantas’ second flight to South America and the pilot had never flown that way before, so we had an interesting flight and even more interesting landing.  We took a taxi to our charismatic hotel – oops – driving on the other side of the road and very flexible driving with respect to road rules and in particular lane markings.

Next – Argentina