Conclusions and thoughts on Etosher Pan
We found that Etosher pan was a great game waiting experience. Far more than we anticipated, but the variety is not so high, as they all need to be desert hardy. There are positives and negatives for all the camps, but I think our views would be very different if we travelled at a different time of year. We liked Namotoni with the grass and the fort, but green grass should not be considered for judgement in a desert park !
If we went again we would still stay at all the camps, but for at least two nights for each. We just did not get a full appreciation of the camps and the park with such a short visit. Looking back, joining a tour was definitely the best way to go, which leaves you restricted on the destinations and times. Self drive would be okay if only doing Windhoek and Etosher, as we have in this part of the story.