Over the border we could see we were in Mozambique. The roads were worse and there were people everywhere.

The roads are all named after famous communist leaders and lined with unkempt blocks of apartments. But lack of maintenance doesn’t stop you having satellite TV. In 2004 Maputo had not recovered its former glory, with broken down buildings, ruined roads and an air of general decay. Exception political buildings and high end tourist hotels. Buildings, roads and infrastructure unmaintained.

Maputo to Praie de Sol
After a day in Maputo we headed northwards. Mainly trucks, utes, taxi-vans and buses on the road. The vans are instant buses, you just wave and it pulls over to pick you up. The edge of the road is broken and potholed, so you definitely DON’T want drop a wheel off the tarmac at any speed. Not all the vans are falling apart. Everything is sold on the roadside, as we will see later.

Travelling up the main road North, there was lots to see.

Busses, all sorts and all of them old

Bus stops are amazing.

We turned to the coast and reached Bilene. Then we had to find our “hotel”. No street names, no streets, no mailboxes or advertising signs…

Next – Praie de Sol to Barra Beach