We took a local train to Hamburg where we changed to a RE (regional express) train. The chaos when we boarded was a good example of how not to catch a train. We had second class tickets with unreserved seats. We climbed onto the second class part of the train and found all the seats were reserved. Someone says walk to the back of the train, so we walk and we walk and we battle past other people doing the same. Eventually get to an area of compartments with unreserved seats. We keep walking and walking and eventually get to an area of empty compartments, close the door and make ourselves comfortable ! From what I could gather the reserved seats are all sold first, to the locals and overseas purchasers get the unreserved seats, or the last minute shoppers. These are unfortunately the people who do not know the system and like us, got onto the wrong part of the train. The train must have been about 30 carriages long !
We sped away pretty fast southward to Cologne – briefly saw the cathedral as we crossed the Rhine, also fences full of padlocks. The right hand side was so full you could barely see through, the left a bit less heavy.
We arrived at Koblenz slightly late so missed our connecting train and just caught the next one. This train travelled next to the Rhine River. We saw castles, little villages and grape vines. The vines go up the hills rather than along the contours. interesting that some really small areas are densely cultivated and some very short rows. We got off at Kaub, a small town and the banks or the Rhine.
Our YHA hostel was close to the station and close to all the noise. Trains going past all the time and very noisy. The hostel is modern but built into an older building. Irregular shape and has many non-linear features with complicated passages. We could see a castle on the hill through one of the skylight windows.
Room lovely – big with a decent opening window and a modern bathroom.
Downside – too many children and no curfew and lots of train noise
Next – Kaub YHA