Covid is lost some of its grip and we are off to Western Australia. Sydney first for the night then a flight diagonally across the continent. As we flew into Broome marvelled at the clear blue waters.
Out the airport, walk to hire car and off to shop and the Broome Bird Observatory
A short drive from Broome is the Bird Observatory. A lovely rustic place for nature lovers, simple accommodation, walks, viewing platform and lots of birds.
Not a very exciting trip and not very different to many others except that I flew in one day. Bus and train to Sydney then a 14hr Qantas flight to Johannesburg followed by a 2hr SAA flight.
The Qantas flight was good, for a 14hr daytime flight. We had 2 meals and plenty of snacks. The service was good and I was very impressed that the toilets were cleaned very 60 minutes l
The only bumpy part of the ride was close to Johannesburg l
Joberg airport was depressing. Some parts okay, but really looks like no maintenance has been done for 5 years. And with all the power shortages the lights are all dim. Superficially everything worked and the shops are running. Passenger processing painfully slow. The airport is busy. It is a short walk, within the same building to the domestic terminal which ran well, but functionally, it is a busy hub and processed passengers efficiently.
The SAA flight to Cape Town is about 2 hours, but with a good tail wind can be much quicker. A full well used plane, ran well, loaded quickly and got going on time. Interesting to have a lady pilot.
Not a lot but I feel there is a bit of hope. We are actually planning a trip – yes a real trip to a foreign country involving planes, passports and Covid tests…!
It is now 5 weeks until we leave. Definitely count down time. I will write a bit about the planning soon.
Covid is still hindering travel and a lot more, so I have been adding some more stories of older trips to these pages. Just added a trip that included the –
Budget Sydney Harbour Cruise
Budget Harbour Bridge Walk
Budget India-Pacific Train
And all about a quick trip to get the feel of Australia