A couple of days in Hobart, a few different things. Walks, river, and harbour.
Mona Art in Hobart
A rather weird art galery, some strange things, some interesting things and some realy Waco stuff.
Next – Queenstown
Queenstown Tasmania
A pleasant drive from Hobart to Queenstown. After some lovely winding roads stopped to look down at the mining town and associated scarring.
A rather mixed place, in some ways unpleasant, others interesting. Town nothing particularly to recommend it, but the surroundings are interesting. On one side scars and degradation form mining and on the other lunch landscapes., –
After viewing the hole in the groun d took the walk to Horsetail Falls
. :
Now for a drive to the other side of Queenstown,
Queenstown has an interesting steam rail trip, unfortunately all booked up.
Review of a short trip to Tasmania,.
Walk to Horsetail Falls - The goods, the bads, and the uglies of a short trip to Tazmania
- Too short of course
- Mona art gallery too weird for me, and too expensive
- The Art Walk and many other walks were wanderful.
- There are so many good walks to do
- Many easy to access beaches
- Queenstown area fascinating with the contrasts
- Queenstown itself is a bit of a dump
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- The goods, the bads, and the uglies of a short trip to Tazmania
Broome to Tasmania – diagonally across the continent
After a tour of the Kimberley Region , we caught a plane diagonally across the continent to Melbourne, then an overnight ferry across the Bass Straight to Launceston. A drive of about 2 hour to Hobart, the capital.
Broome airport Next a walk in the Art Park near Hobart