Author: admin

  • A trip to Willie Creek Pearl Farm

    While we had a car we drove north out of Broome to the only place on the map, Willie Creek Pearl farm. Once we arrived there we were persuaded to take the guided tour – which proved to be v ery good. We learnt all about pearl farming, then took a boat ride to see the pearls shells and to see the lagoon where some of the

    The lagoon was a lovely blue, we were lucky to see a saltwater crocodile. The crew pulled up a ‘toaster’ with clams inside.

    Next back to shore for a snack – included and lean more about pearls and their farming l

    It was a surprisingly good trip[ and well above our expectations.

    Next – a few pictures and stories of Broome Town (tourist town)

  • Dinosaur Footprints and More

    The tide was right, the correct beach – but where shall we look. Luckily there was a group being guided so we wandered close. We discovered a local expert who comes to the beach to tell people about the palaeontology. He explained the first area – dinosaur droppings, then we wandered across the bay to the second site.,

    Across the beautiful bay on a small headband were two different types of footprints. Lovely to see..

    Next day, while we still had a hire car we set off north to The Willie Creek Pearl Farm

  • Beaches in Broome – two of many

    Our first beach visit was to look for dinosaur footprints. The tide was wrong but still a great beach for a walk and visit. There are no decent signs to tell you where the footprints are, but we now knew more.

    WE then caught the town bus to Town Beach. This is where the famous ‘stairway to heaven’ natural marvel happens. We were planning to swim and found out that even this beach was unwelcoming. But we really did enjoy a super sighting and handling of a Juvenal harrier.

    A bus ride back to town and next morning, at low tide we set off to find the Dinosaur Foot Prints.

  • Orange to Broome

    Covid is lost some of its grip and we are off to Western Australia. Sydney first for the night then a flight diagonally across the continent. As we flew into Broome marvelled at the clear blue waters.

    Out the airport, walk to hire car and off to shop and the Broome Bird Observatory

    Next – The Broome Bird Observatory

  • The Broome Bird Observatory

    A short drive from Broome is the Bird Observatory. A lovely rustic place for nature lovers, simple accommodation, walks, viewing platform and lots of birds.

    Next we are off to Broome