Trip was a Shinkansen from Kyoto to Nagoya, then a local bus to Magome. The bus was also organised in coordination with the train; and to pay you grab a ticket stub, printed on it is the number of the stop you hop on, then as each stop goes past the total to pay as you hop off increases. Total 560 yen, so not exactly expensive. Vending machines everywhere!
The walk begins with excellent signage, straight uphill through beautiful traditional houses and a stream-gutter running down each side of a cobbled path. Entering the forest is sentried by a bear bell, which I refused to ring. Forest is lush, green, and pleasant. Such a variety of plants! But crosses in and out of roads and small collections of houses, everything was populated.
Brief stops for ice cream and a water top-up, the ice cream comes out of a little hockey-puck cake that the machine pushes out into what we normally know.
Next – Tsumago