B-22-001-Japan 2017, Introduction

In 2017 Aby and a friend travelled to Japan for two weeks. Most of their trip was on a self-guided walking tour.
Welcome to the next trip. Already.
Japan was a “hey, lets go to Japan”, rather than the large-scale drive that sends us to Africa and Europe. Macs Adventure offered a nice self-guided tour-thing, with a couple of days in Kyoto, then walking and training along the route of the Nakasendo Trail to Tokyo; a few days in Tokyo, and an add-on of a couple of days in Nikko.
Day one, as per usual, is making sure everything is packed and getting to Sydney in time for the flight, hanging around the airport, and hopefully passing out on the aeroplane to Haneda-Tokyo instead of being miserable for nine and a half hours.

I did not go with the aim of taking wonderfully beautiful arty photos, these are almost purely a documentation of “what Japan was like”