Driving towards …. many places

Today we explored Gozo.

“Gozo is famed for its character and places of interest. Some of these include the Calypso’s Cave (from Homer’s Odyssey, where the island is called Ogygia) and the Ġgantija Neolithic temples which are among the oldest surviving man-made structures. Gozo covers 67 square kilometres. It lies approximately 6 kilometres northwest of the nearest point of Malta, is of oval form, and is 14 kilometres long and 7.25 kilometres wide.”

ref – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gozo

First off north to the salt pans of Xwlemi Bay.  Square areas cut into the old wave cut platform which collected the water from the large waves splashing up the cliffs.  Big waves, much splash and boom.

Coffee in Gharb near Ta Pinu, a basilica and a shrine. Visited its lovely museum. 

And here are a few pictures as we travelled though the countryside to wards Dwejra

Next – Salt Pans on Cliffs in Gozo