What would we do again, what would we do differently
Norway was great, there was little to fault it. Yes, it is expensive, but this is balanced with being a safe, clean and well run place with good people.
- Goods
- English widely spoken
- Well organised’
- Clean and safe
- Extremely beautiful
- Super duper scenery
- Bads,
- there are no bads, but a few slight negatives
- It is not a place for magnificent buildings and cultural structure compared to other European countries
- Limited public transport, hard to explore out of the main areas
- Uglys
- Can not think of anything at this moment
- Struggled a bit catching busses, which side of the road for the bus stop and which direction, these are the local busses in Tromso
- I am sure the weather could be ugly in winter !
- What would we do again
- Take the ferry again,
- Spend longer
- What would we do differently
- Try and get inland
- Try and get into places like the Lofoten islands and walk/explore
- Spend longer
More to be added !!!
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