The India-Pacific train is a famous long distance train from Sydney to Perth. Unfortunately it is very expensive and rather limited to tourists and only first class, all inclusive luxury and waaaay out of budget. We did this trip in …….. ref {[ ]. Luckily there is a local train that goes as far as Broken Hill and a reasonable cost.

The train arrived into Orange at 11.00am, having left Sydney at 6.45am. We had 2nd class tickets, comfortable enough and plenty more room than any aeroplane.

Along the whole route from Orange to Broken Hill we could see how the countryside changed as we went along. Near Orange we saw vines, fruit trees and cattle. As we got further west grain was grown. We moved into cattle country, then when it got drier sheep then irrigated cotton.

Some stations we could get out and appreciate some fresh air and a bit of a view. Having seen no wild animals we were so surprised to suddenly, at about ……….pm to see lots of animals.

- Emu
- Roo
- Pig
- Fox
- Sheep
- Goats
- Cows
We arrived in Brokenhill on time at 7.30pm just as it was getting dark
The good
- Better than driving
- Efficient buffet
- Comfy seats
- Good views
- Not too crowded
The bad
- Long trip
- Noisy = ill disciplined children
- Not enough get out spots

Next – Broken Hill to Menindee