Overnight train train from Catania to Zurich

Off to Catania station to wait for the train, regular announcements but all in Italian.

Train arrived on time.  My cabin, size OK, but oh so run down, dripping water tap and just tired.  As we went along more carriages joined us.  The train drove on to the ferry at Messina and crossed over the straights the Italy mainland. The crossing took 35 minutes, but a lot longer getting the train on and off.

Up the coast, many beaches and many tunnels.  As we went north more and more people got on and the cabins filled up.

Ate a dinner of cheese and tomato salad and bread (no dining car)

Bed comfy but train a bit hot, luckily the windows opened.


  • Not good value for money wrt accommodation
  • Fantastic
  • Scenery
  • Limited viewing, so easy opening windows
  • No food to buy

Next – Zurich to Singapore to Sydney with a stop