Villa Romana del Casale

8.00am breakfast, massive pistachio butter (like peanut butter) filled croissant.  A second coffee in Bronte, so many little pastry/cake snacks that I did not eat.  Drove from Bronte to Adrano towards Gela on the coast.  Lovely sunny day, Mt Etna clear as well as the valley.  Downhill gently, through some tight, small roads, villages.  Farming changed from nuts to fruit to mixed.

Arrived at Piazza Armenia then to Villa Romano del Casa.  E10 entry.  Huge roman villa/house excavated after covered with mud flow 10m thick, 750years ago.  Many rooms and corridors all paved with mosaics.  64m long corridor with a hunting scene – fantastic.  Also geometric patterns and pictures.

Enjoyed freshly squeezed pomegranate juice afterwards.

Next – Mosaics in Villa Romano del Casale