Up The ROCK of Gibralter

The rock is big and steep, Ashara had a slight idea about steps….. So we set off to the cable car station, thinking about long queues etc.  No problem, no queue and straight into the little car.  It was a beautiful morning and a great day.

The ride up was scary with great views of Europe and Africa.

Once on top we walked on roads, paths, steps and rocks.  We bought a ticket that included the cable car and the nature reserve which meant we could go anywhere and nearly everywhere on one ticket.

Having wandered all over the place, up and down, in and out, the weather deteriated.  There was thunder and lightning, hmmm – cable car down in the lightning – we are not sure about this.  Had a coffee at the top cable station and waited.  Eventually was provided with a ticket for a bus down.  

This was an adventure – bus could not get around the corners and had to reverse – all a bit scary with the terrible drops !

Next – Gibraltar apes